Applause NewsNews on Applause continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Musical Sedation Instead Of Ovation- February 9, 2008 THE 1970 musical "Ap plause," though based on "All About Eve," was really all about Lauren Bacall, playing, as it were, Bette Davis. via New York Post Applause for Composer Strouse: At 79, He's Got Concerts, a Memoir, a Website, and New Shows- February 7, 2008 "I'm modest by nature. I'm not humble or anything, but I'm a little modest." Charles Strouse, the Tony Award-winning composer of such classic musical theatre songs as "Tomorrow," "Once Upon a Time" and "Put on a Happy Face," will turn 80 years old on June 7, but the celebration has ... via Playbill Michael's Friday Column- February 2, 2008 Plus: Patricia Elliott and Kathleen Chalfant have a date with Vita & Virginia . Thursday, January 31, 2008 via Broadwaystars.com |