Vader NewsLocal news for Vader, WA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Single-Vehicle Wrecks Injure Four- April 29, 2008 Three different single-vehicle collisions in Lewis County over the weekend sent drivers, and one passenger, to the hospital. via The Chronicle, Centralia, WA Volunteers are backbone of social services- April 27, 2008 "As the years go by, we're going to need more and more help to do everything that we do" Thumbs up: County volunteers South Sound is a caring community with countless nonprofit organizations providing incredible service to the poor and needy. via The Olympian Police Dog Tracks Down Suspected Wire Thief Near Vader- April 18, 2008 A man who lives near Vader heard a vehicle driving up and down the road near his home around 2 a.m. Thursday and went out to find two men pulling down a power line. via KCPQ TV Thieves Target Power Lines- April 18, 2008 Metal thieves have apparently found a novel and dangerous way to snag their coveted wire. via The Chronicle, Centralia, WA Cheney yucks it up at dinner with broadcasters- April 17, 2008 Vice President Cheney told a few jokes last night. Below are some of the punch lines from his speech at the annual Radio and Television Correspondents Association dinner in Washington. via USA Today |