St. Vrain NewsLocal news for St. Vrain, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.New Mexico News Brief, Thursday, April 3- April 6, 2008 Police said four people -- including a front desk worker at an Albuquerque motel -- have been arrested in an alleged credit card scam. via KOAT.com Grass Fires Flare Up Around New Mexico- April 4, 2008 A fire has blackened more than 1,000 acres of grass between Clovis and Melrose. Clovis Fire Department Lieutenant Jim Hogg said the fire near St. via KOAT.com Firefighters battle blaze in Roosevelt County- April 3, 2008 High winds didn't help firefighters in Roosevelt County as the battled a wildfire for nearly two hours Wednesday. via KVII County grass fire extinguished- April 3, 2008 "We got lucky that the wind wasn't blowing any harder than it was and there wasn't any livestock involved and that it didn't jump the road." A fire started by a resident burning trash torched more than 1,000 acres of grassland between Clovis and Melrose on Wednesday before firefighters from four departments were able to extinguish it, fire officials ... via Clovis News Journal |