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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for March 2008

Thomson News

Local news for Thomson, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Hospital named among top 100 - March 19, 2008

Published: March 19. 2008 12:30AM - Last updated: March 19. 2008 12:39AM St. via St. Cloud Times

State wants to enter 'Net fast lane - March 15, 2008

"Our interest is pursuing how do we move up the speed zone" Supporters of faster home Internet access said Friday that state Senate approval of a bill to create a broadband task force brings them one step closer to putting Minnesota's broadband on par with the ultrafast ... via The Minneapolis-St. Paul Pioneer Press

Carrying CPA credentials, these bounty hunters in demand - March 2, 2008

"I also might interview for a given position to make sure of the fit." Think of veteran accountants and financial analysts Emmy Perrizo and Debra Deanovic as today's corporate versions of Paladin, the legendary TV gunfighter who chose his, er, engagements, carefully. via Star Tribune
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