Aquia Harbour NewsLocal news for Aquia Harbour, VA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Is Aquia HOA shooting itself in the foot with fun-stifling rules- October 27, 2007 I recently read the Aquia Harbour Property Owners Association Newsletter, the "Harbour View." It said there was a proposed amendment to the Aquia Harbour Property Owners Association. via The Free Lance-Star Teen charged with leading police on chase into Aquia Harbour area- October 24, 2007 A teenage boy who led police on a high-speed chase from Prince William into Stafford County was finally captured early yesterday after a 90-minute search. via Fredericksburg.com Stafford defers action on CIP- October 17, 2007 "The CIP is not a personal slush fund for supervisors to dip into for whatever projects they fancy" Last year, Stafford County voters overwhelmingly rejected a bond referendum that included a $35 million aquatic and recreational fitness center. via Fredericksburg.com |