Angina NewsNews on Angina continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.CV Therapeutics Feels the Love- April 29, 2008 In the pharma days of yore , drug approvals were bountiful -- and for some companies, they still are. via The Motley Fool Dumaguing: Drugs show promise in heart treatment trial- April 20, 2008 "Our conclusion is that hANP is a hopeful adjunctive drug for reducing infarct size and subsequent re-hospitalization due to heart failure" Internet home of Philippine news Monday, April 21, 2008 Dumaguing: Drugs show promise in heart treatment trial By Dr. via Sun-Star Baguio Angina Symptoms and Treatment- April 18, 2008 If you've ever had pain in your chest then you've probably heard the term "angina". Literally, angina is Latin for "squeezing of the chest". Angina is caused when the heart is not getting the vital oxygen that ... via Associated Content Ranbaxy gains Japanese approval for sale of amlodipine- April 14, 2008 Ranbaxy Laboratories has gained the approval of the Japanese government to market its generic version of blood pressure drug amlodipine for the treatment of angina. via LabTechnologist.com Looking for Online Pharmacies- April 12, 2008 You can find top quality medications at very competitive prices. It is not the same thing to purchase medicines as compared to purchase of any other product online. via The Capital Letter Read complete definition- April 10, 2008 Drugs that reduce the formation or inhibit the action of chemicals that promote the activation and aggregation of platelets, blood components important for the clotting of blood. via Diabetes Self Management Ranbaxy gets Japanese nod for blood pressure drug- April 8, 2008 New Delhi News.Net Tuesday 8th April, 2008 The Japanese ministry of health and labour welfare has granted marketing approval to Indian pharma major Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd's generic drug prescribed for ... via New Delhi News.Net Gap between sexes in care of common heart condition- April 8, 2008 "No previous studies have attempted to assess the existence of the "Yentl syndrome" Women with a common heart condition may receive a lower level of medical care compared to men with the same condition, according to researchers at the University of Aberdeen. via PhysOrg Weblog |