As Good as It Gets NewsNews on As Good as It Gets continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Chick Flick: 13 movies that guys secretly love- June 23, 2008 For her: "You complete me" For you: Cuba Gooding Jr. gives an Oscar-winning take on the prima dona wide receiver. The Bucket List (DVD) Jack Nicholson (actor) $17.76- June 10, 2008 Box Office, 01012008, p.45, "It's a full-bodied brew, blended out of equal parts comedy and drama...with a pair of powerhouse performances from Freeman and Nicholson." DVD Features: Widescreen - 2.40 Audio: ... As Good As It Gets- June 5, 2008 The friendship between an OCD author, single momwaitress and a gay artist. As Good As It Gets explores the life of Melvin Udall , a misanthropic author whose manners are sometimes rude and in bad taste and is ... |