The Hot Chick NewsNews on The Hot Chick continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Paul Karason: Man with Blue Skin- December 20, 2007 "The only time now that I really think about it or notice it is if we're out in public and people start staring" Remember how a small time crook, Clive Maxton changed into a girl overnight in The Hot Chick Something like that has happened with Paul Karason. via SouthAsiaBiz Melora Hardin - Credit: Jamie December 17, 2007 "It's important, as the show gets more and more successful, that we all remain just a little bit wrong. Otherwise we turn into Desperate Housewives , and that is so not our gig. We're trying to make this mockumentary, so it needs to feel real." feature on Melora Hardin that includes pics, pictures, biography, video, related news, vital stats, commentary, and cool facts. via AskMen |