Tyner NewsLocal news for Tyner, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Charity a force for hotel- May 31, 2008 Apex is getting a $15 million hotel and its first convention center because a local pastor needed a steady source of money to build homes for poor people and a senior citizens center.http://www.topix.net/city/tyner-nc/2008/05/charity-a-force-for-hotel?fromrss=1 Oxendine, Sikes united in marriage- May 29, 2008 Tonya Oxendine of Pembroke and Roger Clark Sikes Jr. of Rockingham were united in marriage at 12:30 p.m. April 10, 2008 at Waialae Beach in Honolulu, Hawaii.http://www.topix.net/city/tyner-nc/2008/05/oxendine-sikes-united-in-marriage?fromrss=1 Clinic offers care to indigent, uninsured- May 2, 2008 "We're trying to prepare the community for a huge growth in the Hispanic community." Four years ago, Albemarle Foundation opened its first free community care clinic in a used trailer behind the Elizabeth City Boys and Girls Club. via Daily Advancehttp://www.topix.net/city/tyner-nc/2008/05/clinic-offers-care-to-indigent-uninsured?fromrs... |