St. Francis NewsLocal news for St. Francis, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Check It Out for May 29- May 29, 2008 About a year after the opening of the new De Pere bridge cured traffic headaches locally, it's Wisconsin 172's turn for repairs. Police Need Help Solving Bold Crime- May 27, 2008 Police in St. Francis need your help finding two people who broke into a van, then burglarized the owners' home as they slept. Memorial Day services 2008- May 21, 2008 Memorial Day Mass: Monday. The Allouez Catholic Cemetery and Chapel Mausoleum will honor veterans at 10:30 a.m. at the cemetery, 2121 Riverside Drive. Waukesha County Community Briefing- May 15, 2008 "We're really excited to have her" Catholic Memorial names new president Waukesha - Father Paul Hartmann, interim pastor at St. via Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal Health care: Filling a need- May 13, 2008 Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare has opened a new hospital in a regional medical market that some contend is already overbuilt. via Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal |