Thomaston NewsLocal news for Thomaston, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Were We Right or Were We Right: Richard Russo's Bridge of Sighs- March 23, 2008 Most reviewers read Richard Russo's Bridge of Sighs as more of the same from a master storyteller, taking the opportunity to characterize Russo's style on the whole as well as that of the book. via Publishers' Weekly Hearing from the Candidates- March 8, 2008 Hearing from the Candidates! The Great Neck peninsula will see six villages hold elections this month. via Great Neck Record Thirsty for Facts About the Water Authority- March 1, 2008 "We know that we have MTBE (a gasoline additive that is considered a carcinogen) headed our way; it will require an upgrade for our treatment plant that will cost about $500,000 to complete." For several months now, a daily newspaper has been consistently printing charges against the administration of the Water Authority of Great Neck North, lumping it into the frenzy of blanket accusations about ... via Great Neck Record |