Unionville NewsLocal news for Unionville, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.John Hall hits Unionville, Greenville on 'tour'- November 20, 2007 "I feared that he would say Iraq" The snowflakes dusted Rep. John Hall's knee-length wool overcoat outside the Unionville Post Office. via RecordOnline.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/unionville-ny/2007/11/john-hall-hits-unionville-greenville-on-to... Orange North Confidential: Hall to visit Unionville, Greenville- November 18, 2007 Rep. John Hall is coming to Unionville and Greenville on Monday. From 11 a.m. to noon, Hall will hold an informal meet-and-greet at the Unionville Post Office at 1 Main St. via RecordOnline.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/unionville-ny/2007/11/orange-north-confidential-hall-to-visit-un... Family, friend indicted in Unionville fire- November 6, 2007 An Orange County grand jury yesterday indicted a Unionville woman, two of her children and a family acquaintance on charges that they tried to kill the woman's father-in-law by torching his house last month. via Middletown Times Herald Recordhttp://www.topix.net/city/unionville-ny/2007/11/family-friend-indicted-in-unionville-fire?... Restored bell to peal from Hawthorne Reformed Church- November 3, 2007 "The raising must have been quite a sight" It's part of the lore at Hawthorne Reformed Church that a grand celebration was held on the day in June 1877 that a church bell was raised high above the small town that was then known as Unionville. via The Patent Traderhttp://www.topix.net/city/unionville-ny/2007/11/restored-bell-to-peal-from-hawthorne-refor... |