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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for July 2006

trimMail's Email Battles

Spam, Security, Privacy, Spyware, Phishers, and Viruses From The Front Line.

Nine Ways To Make Your RSS Feed Useless - June 30, 2006

Way back when, RSS and Atom newsfeeds made it easy for others to sweep up an author's content. Both users and webmasters embraced the feeds with gusto. End-users deployed personal aggregators, like RSS Bandit, to track their favorite subjects and authors. Webmasters replicated the feeds for the same reason, but for their broader audience. Originally, everybody won. Small andor unknown authors and organizations gained access to the greater universe of readers, through replication-by-choice....

How Windows Live OneCare Can Own Retail Shelf Space Without Squeezing Symantec Or McAfee - June 29, 2006

The Quad Cities houses 360,000 souls and straddles the Mississippi River between Iowa and Illinois. Its most notable tenant is Deere & Company, home of everything John Deere green. The Quad Cities' place in history was assured when the steamwheeler Effie Afton collided with the first bridge spanning the mile-wide river, triggering a court battle over rights-of-way between railroads and river traffic. Abraham Lincoln argued for the railroads and won. So why am I telling you this To fix the...
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