St. Francis NewsLocal news for St. Francis, AR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.After flooding, farmers worry for crops, fields- March 22, 2008 "You could put a boat in at my shop and water ski to New Orleans" Flooding has some Arkansas farmers worried that they may have no wheat to harvest later this spring. via Herald-Leader Mo Bootheel Dunklin - Pemiscot Co.- March 19, 2008 PEMISCOT Posted: Updated: Tornado Warning TORNADO WARNING ARC031-093-MOC069-155-190100- O.NEW.KMEG.TO.W.0075.080319T0019Z-080319T0100Z TORNADO WARNING FOR... EASTERN CRAIGHEAD COUNTY IN EASTERN ARKANSAS... ... via KAIT-TV Jonesboro Farmers Look To Boost Tourism Sales- March 14, 2008 Some Arkansas farmers are relying on tourist dollars to make ends meet. With the number of farms on the decline, growers are learning to expand into new areas, and that includes satisfying travelers who want to ... via KAIT-TV Jonesboro |