Tuckerman NewsLocal news for Tuckerman, AR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Fans plan a rocking highway- December 29, 2007 "This will direct tourists right there.&8221 Linda Oakley Bowlin of Pocahontas sees holding rock 'n' roll concerts along U. S. 67 and constructing small museums and gift shops at the various towns along the road. "We're not the Ozarks" Sections of U. S. 67 from Bald Knob to the Missouri state line in Clay County lie forgotten among the small towns the roadway traverses as construction continues on a rerouted four-lane replacement. via Herald-Leaderhttp://www.topix.net/city/tuckerman-ar/2007/12/fans-plan-a-rocking-highway?fromrss=1 Girl who - lived in library' becomes published poet- December 27, 2007 "She liked it, but she thought it sounded kind of morbid." No one could accuse Loey Goad of being conspicuous. She's quiet and reserved, and two years ago she practically lived in the school library, but now she is breaking a little out of her shell. via Batesville Daily Guardhttp://www.topix.net/city/tuckerman-ar/2007/12/girl-who-lived-in-library-becomes-published... Records- December 19, 2007 "If you can dream--and not make dreams your master, If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it." Palmer Sapp Ann Fry of Walnut Ridge and Eddie Palmer of Pocahontas announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Cassandra "Cassie" Irene Palmer, to Robert "Robby" Isaac Sapp, son of ... via Times-Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/tuckerman-ar/2007/12/records?fromrss=1 Could a future decrease in traffic hurt Tuckerman's economy- December 13, 2007 "Most of our ticket is local traffic with DWI's, traffic violations, and things of this nature. I don't think it will affect us a great deal" Tuckerman, AR - Will Carter Reports Could a future decrease in traffic hurt Tuckerman's economy Posted: Updated: TUCKERMAN- It's a city nearly split in half by Highway 67. via KAIT-TV Jonesborohttp://www.topix.net/city/tuckerman-ar/2007/12/could-a-future-decrease-in-traffic-hurt-tuc... Highway 67 Expansion- December 6, 2007 "Hopefully in the Spring, in the next few months, we'll be able to open the next contract, which again will be the grating or the dirt work from highway 226 up to highway 230" Posted: Updated: In the near future the Highway 67 project will make way for more traffic and easier access to cities like Dallas, Little Rock, and St. via KAIT-TV Jonesborohttp://www.topix.net/city/tuckerman-ar/2007/12/highway-67-expansion?fromrss=1 |