Turrell NewsLocal news for Turrell, AR continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Take out aggression in video gmes- November 30, 2007 "I liked it because the story was pretty compelling and it kept you hooked" Issue date: 112907 Section: Entertainment It is Friday afternoon and a little boy springs off the school bus onto the gravel lake of his parent's driveway. via The Heraldhttp://www.topix.net/city/turrell-ar/2007/11/take-out-aggression-in-video-gmes?fromrss=1 Donations needed for Christmas Wish- November 16, 2007 "I am disabled and on a fixed income. There is no extra money after expenses, which includes fixing the car. We are just getting by and would like the children to have a good Christmas." More than 400 families have sent in Christmas Wish requests. Fufilling these wishes depends on the generous residents of the Twin Lake Area. via Baxter Bulletinhttp://www.topix.net/city/turrell-ar/2007/11/donations-needed-for-christmas-wish?fromrss=1 |