Uncasville NewsLocal news for Uncasville, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Smith leaves as editor in Bridgeport- June 30, 2008 A. James Smith, editor of the Connecticut Post in Bridgeport for three years, says he has left the newspaper.http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/06/smith-leaves-as-editor-in-bridgeport?fromr... Stevie A Wonder To Watch- June 28, 2008 Stevie Wonder has been almost incalculably influential to popular music since the 1960s, and even today remains a remarkable composer, instrumentalist and singer.http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/06/stevie-a-wonder-to-watch?fromrss=1 Tantaquidgeon Museum Grand Re-Opening- June 26, 2008 On June 18th, something special happened in Uncasville. The Mohegan Tribe held a ceremony and blessing to celebrate the re-opening and renovation of the Tantaquidgeon Museum - the oldest Native-run museum in ...http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/06/tantaquidgeon-museum-grand-re-opening?from... Norwich Bulletin offers video job ads- June 24, 2008 Since the Norwich Bulletin introduced video employment clips mid-February, online employment revenue has increased 40 percent, says the paper's online and classified manager, Cynthia Moran Grande.http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/06/norwich-bulletin-offers-video-job-ads?from... Mohegan's story in small building- June 22, 2008 The Mohegan Tribe has more than $2 billion worth of property at its Mohegan Sun casino, but the tiny Tantaguidgeon Museum off Church Lane in Uncasville, not far from the smoky glass and chrome gambling halls ...http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/06/mohegans-story-in-small-building?fromrss=1 Box Office Alert: Madonna, Bob Dylan, Jonas Brothers and more- June 20, 2008 On sale Friday at 9 a.m.: Madonna, Oct. 12, Madison Square Garden in NYC, $65.60-$354.50 at Ticketmaster.http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/06/box-office-alert-madonna-bob-dylan-jonas-b... Thames River bridge project delayed again- June 18, 2008 Removal of the old Amtrak Thames River Bridge has again been delayed, this time with no date predicted for completion.http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/06/thames-river-bridge-project-delayed-again?... |