Uncasville NewsLocal news for Uncasville, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Read the Rest- July 8, 2008 Creative Circle Advertising Solutions, located in Providence, has its roots in design, content and consulting and provides advertising and web management solutions.http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/07/read-the-rest?fromrss=1 After yearlong break, Cora will return to ring- July 6, 2008 After a yearlong break from boxing, Felix Cora Jr. is ready to return to the ring.http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/07/after-yearlong-break-cora-will-return-to-r... Powers named at Boston Globe, Boston.com- July 2, 2008 The Boston Globe announced today the appointment of Robert M. Powers to the position of vice president, communications and public affairs, effective July 1. Among a host of new responsibilities, Powers will ...http://www.topix.net/city/uncasville-ct/2008/07/powers-named-at-boston-globe-boston-com?fr... |