Tilton NewsLocal news for Tilton, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Jury trial scheduled for July 28- April 30, 2008 The case against two Russian defendants accused of using false information in applications for state driver's licenses was continued Monday. via The Commercial-News, Danville, ILhttp://www.topix.net/city/tilton-il/2008/04/jury-trial-scheduled-for-july-28?fromrss=1 Potholes In Belgium Become Big Problem- April 17, 2008 "Best case scenario is for our village to magically come up with the money to replace our part of Lyons Road" Road workers in Belgium say potholes are becoming a really expensive problem in their community. via IllinoisHomepage.nethttp://www.topix.net/city/tilton-il/2008/04/potholes-in-belgium-become-big-problem?fromrss... Vermilion County Nursing Home Looks Into Abuse Allegations- April 11, 2008 "We get complaints every now and then." A Vermilion County nursing home is investigating allegations of abuse inside their doors. via IllinoisHomepage.nethttp://www.topix.net/city/tilton-il/2008/04/vermilion-county-nursing-home-looks-into-abuse... |