Villa Grove NewsLocal news for Villa Grove, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Workers Needed In Central Illinois- April 23, 2008 "If we can work with the high schools through junior college through college, to make sure everyone knows this is what you can do" Health care, manufacturing and the transportation industry all want to fill spots. via IllinoisHomepage.net Villa Grove IGA damaged in morning fire- April 21, 2008 VILLA GROVE – Villa Grove will be without its only major grocery store for at least a month due to a fire there early today. via News-Gazette Technology Stories Child Left on Bus- April 19, 2008 "There were several different aspects where things fell through the holes and those holes need to be filled so this doesn't happen to somebody else." A Villa Grove mother wants to know how her child was left on a bus for more than two hours Wednesday. via IllinoisHomepage.net Remembering Austin Cloyd- April 17, 2008 On April 16, 2007 Austin Cloyd's freshman year at college ended in an instant. She was one of 32 victims in the worst school shooting in US history. via IllinoisHomepage.net Concerns cited in ending Philo sewer extension talks- April 15, 2008 VILLA GROVE – The Villa Grove City Council voted Monday night to discontinue discussions with Philo over extending sewer services to that community. via News-Gazette Local Stories |