Waltonville NewsLocal news for Waltonville, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Waltonville alumni dance planned- May 27, 2008 By KANDACE MCCOY kandace.mccoyregister-news.com WALTONVILLE - Even though members of the Waltonville Alumni Association are concerned that interest has been dwindling in its organization, the association is ...http://www.topix.net/city/waltonville-il/2008/05/waltonville-alumni-dance-planned?fromrss=... Eight county schools showing improved finances- May 25, 2008 By KANDACE MCCOY kandace.mccoyregister-news.com MT. VERNON - Nearly 70 percent of Illinois school districts showed improved financial health, according to information from the Illinois State Board of ...http://www.topix.net/city/waltonville-il/2008/05/eight-county-schools-showing-improved-fin... County students at St. Louis Zoo during bomb threat- May 23, 2008 By JEREMY HALL jeremy.hallregister-news.com ST. LOUIS - Students from three Jefferson County schools were among those present when the St.http://www.topix.net/city/waltonville-il/2008/05/county-students-at-st-louis-zoo-during-bo... Memorial Day service to be held at courthouse- May 21, 2008 By KANDACE MCCOY kandace.mccoyregister-news.com MT. VERNON - Even though Memorial Day is traditionally held on May 30, its observation is held on the last Monday in May in remembrance of those who died in our ...http://www.topix.net/city/waltonville-il/2008/05/memorial-day-service-to-be-held-at-courth... Waltonville student challenges herself with reading goal- May 19, 2008 "I'm taking 17 students on Monday today to lunch." By KANDACE MCCOY kandace.mccoyregister-news.com WALTONVILLE - At the beginning of the school year, Waltonville eighth-grader Shelby Patterson set a goal: to earn 1,000 Accelerated Reader points for the year. via Mt. Vernon Register-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/waltonville-il/2008/05/waltonville-student-challenges-herself-wi... Waltonville teacher Gajewski retiring after 36 years- May 17, 2008 "Her name is synonymous with teaching language arts here. It's amazing the people in the community who have said 'I've had her as a teacher.' With 30-plus years, she's affected the children and the community in a positive way." By KANDACE MCCOY kandace.mccoyregister-news.com WALTONVILLE - After 36 years of teaching at Waltonville Grade School, eighth-grade teacher Susan Gajewski is saying goodbye. via Mt. Vernon Register-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/waltonville-il/2008/05/waltonville-teacher-gajewski-retiring-aft... County meetings moved up one week- May 13, 2008 By TESA CULLI tesa.culliregister-news.com MT. VERNON - The monthly committee meetings and the regular meeting of the Jefferson County Board have been moved up a week due to the Memorial Day holiday. via Mt. Vernon Register-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/waltonville-il/2008/05/county-meetings-moved-up-one-week?fromrss... |