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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for June 2008

The Web Standards Project

Working together for standards

hAccessibility redux - June 24, 2008

Fanning the fires of the ABBR pattern debate, the developers at BBC Radio Labs announced today that they&8217;ll be removing the hCalendar microformat from their programmes listing pages, pending further accessibility testing or the establishment of a more accessible alternative. Unfortunately there have been a number of concerns over hCalendar&8217;s use of the abbreviation design ...

RNIB Surf Right Toolbar available for IE - June 20, 2008

Those clever folks at the Royal National Institute of Blind People have teamed up with the Web Accessibility Tools Consortium and The Paciello Group to produce a toolbar for Internet Explorer that exposes some of its usually buried accessibility options. It&8217;s not for developers so much as end-users; the RNIB say The Surf Right Toolbar is really ...

Easy-to-use Flickr and YouTube - June 19, 2008

It&8217;s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that accessibility is only about the blind people with physical disabilities, and forget about those with cognitive difficulties, or those who are new to the Web. Many pages are very busy and confusing and hence off-putting. Flame-haired DOMscripting lovegod Christian Heillman, has been experimenting with easy-to-use ...

Opera 9.5 released - June 12, 2008

Just a short buzz: the final version of Opera 9.5 was released today, with a boatload of exciting features. Of particular interest: excellent support for current standards (X)HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS 2.1, SVG 1.1 partial implementations of new emerging standards CSS 3, HTML 5, and ARIA More details about the browser&8217;s new capabilities and what they ...

Spry turns two - June 2, 2008

Adobe's JavaScript frameworks is maturing, but there's still room for improvement.

Mozilla Download Day German Translation - June 1, 2008

Mozilla hat sich vorgenommen, ins Guinness Buch der Rekorde zu kommen mit den meisten Software-Downloads in 24 Stunden! Darum wird der 17. Juni 2008 ein besonderer Tag sein: der Download Day. Was wird an diesem Tag so Besonderes sein Mozilla mchte den Weltrekord aufstellen fr die meisten Software-Downloads an einem einzigen Tag. Um teilzunehmen, musst Du ...
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