Summitville NewsLocal news for Summitville, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.June 24: Local Births- June 26, 2008 A girl to Chelsy Huddleston and Kerri Johnson, Anderson, June 19. A boy to Jeremy and Casey Owens, Frankton, June 20. June 25: Arrest Log- June 25, 2008 He is being held without bond. Madison County sheriff's deputies arrested Damon J. Shope, 18, of the 7600 block of West Harmony Drive, Elwood, at 4 a.m. Monday in the 7600 block of West Harmony on suspicion ... : UPDATE: Major barn fire in county- June 21, 2008 Firefighters from Frankton, Richland Township, Lapel and Summitville battle a barn fire Friday afternoon north of the intersection of County Roads 600 West and 600 North. Dennis Lanane: Triad speaker to discuss fraud prevention- June 18, 2008 Irene Wegner, associate state director of AARP Indiana, will be the speaker at the June meeting of Madison County Triad. |