Uniondale NewsLocal news for Uniondale, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.House Democrats would tie tax caps to income- February 21, 2008 "What we've seen here today is somewhat embarrassing for all of us" House Democrats tried to buttress their bargaining position Wednesday by vastly amending a resolution that would place property tax caps into the Indiana constitution - a central part of Gov. via Fort Wayne Journal Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/uniondale-in/2008/02/house-democrats-would-tie-tax-caps-to-incom... Car-bus crash leaves Norwell teen in critical condition- February 14, 2008 A Norwell junior was listed in critical condition this morning at Lutheran Hospital following a head-on crash with a school bus on 100E just south of Norwell High School Tuesday afternoon. via The Bluffton News-Bannerhttp://www.topix.net/city/uniondale-in/2008/02/car-bus-crash-leaves-norwell-teen-in-critic... Ossian teen dies in accidental shooting- February 7, 2008 "Kane was a good kid and he'll be greatly missed around here" 'Ossian Police Chief David Rigney, right, and Indiana State Police Master Trooper Tony Casto discuss the shooting of Kane Krinn, which occurred in the garage behind them Tuesday. via The Bluffton News-Bannerhttp://www.topix.net/city/uniondale-in/2008/02/ossian-teen-dies-in-accidental-shooting?fro... |