Audrey Hepburn NewsNews about Audrey Hepburn continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Gas prices popularize scooters in Nevada County- July 25, 2008 In a famous scene from the 1950s romantic comedy "Roman Holiday," Gregory Peck, playing an American journalist, takes Audrey Hepburn, the runaway princess, on a tour of Rome on a scooter. Random top ten: Ten movies that double as holiday brochures- July 23, 2008 A dizzying, wordless sequence follows the three leads on individual - " and irresistible - " whistle-stop tours of the City of Lights, shot to full advantage by cinematographer Ray June. ESPYs Not Just Athletes, Fashionistas Also Welcome- July 21, 2008 The ESPYs have something to do with sports, which isn't exactly our strong suit here. Thompson to Pen My Fair Lady Remake- July 19, 2008 Movie & Entertainment News provided by World Entertainment News Network 2008-07-17 02:54:08 - British actress EMMA THOMPSON has been commissioned to pen a screenplay for a MY FAIR LADY remake. Play Review: - Wait Until Dark' brightens Mainstage- July 17, 2008 Makes it kind of hard to navigate through a Greenwich Village apartment, murder a clever blind woman and steal a creepy little doll filled with heroin, right That's just what blind housewife Susy Hendrix has ... The Big Picture: Some classic films for a hot summer night- July 16, 2008 What better way to spend a summer evening than with a little stargazing Happily, there are enough classics screening around town to form a constellation of famous faces. Shirley Maclaine - Hepburn Recommended Maclaine for Chanel Role- July 14, 2008 SHIRLEY MACLAINE has late Hollywood star AUDREY HEPBURN to thank for her new role playing fashion icon COCO CHANEL - because she recommended her for the part more than forty years ago. Freaky free film fest- July 14, 2008 Are you ready to experience the terror of the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" while huddled in the pitch-black basement of a parking garage, with its director Tobe Hooper appearing live to offer his personal ... Audrey Hepburn - Movie Bad Guys Tend to Smoke While Heroes Kick the Habit- July 12, 2008 The increasing strength of anti-smoking groups has affected Hollywood, with smoking a rarity in modern cinema, a conference has heard. Hooray for Hollywood - it's showtime- July 12, 2008 Instead of the usual garden party and brass band at the US Embassy in Lisbon, it was decided to throw a party with a difference - and that difference was Hollywood. |