St. Johns NewsLocal news for St. Johns, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Farm Service Agency schedules election for County Committee- July 6, 2008 ST. JOHNS - The Clinton County Farm Service Agency will be holding an election for a County Committee member. St. Johns Depot to celebrate history of railroads in area- July 6, 2008 Clinton County Arts Council is celebrating the re-opening of the St. Johns Depot on Sunday, July 13, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. It is being transformed into the Clinton Northern Railway Museum, a dynamic place for ... 150th birthday: From pets in trees, to dire emergencies St. Johns Fire Department on duty 24-7- July 6, 2008 St. Johns Fire Department marked its 150th birthday with an open house, birthday cake and tours June 28. Mahle, streets, speed limit top city news- July 5, 2008 City applies for Mahle CDBG grant - At the June 23, 2008 City Commission meeting a public hearing was held as part of the Community Development Block Grant application process for road funds. Annual SJ fireworks display set for July 4- July 3, 2008 ST. JOHNS - The annual Independence Day fireworks display, sponsored by the Rotary Club of St. New dugouts popping up on St. Johns fields- July 1, 2008 ST. JOHNS - New dugouts have been springing up at the St. Johns Youth Baseball Association fields on Townsend Road, thanks to volunteer labor from the Michigan Regional Council of Carpenters and donations from ... |