St. Johns NewsLocal news for St. Johns, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.CMH Stroke for Life scores hole-in-one- July 24, 2008 ST. JOHNS - Area golf enthusiasts enjoyed a great day on the course July 9, raising more than $45,000 to benefit Clinton Memorial Hospital. DeWitt Township to form strategic plan- July 22, 2008 DEWITT TWP. - Now that the community survey has been completed and analyzed, DeWitt Township officials will next turn their attention to formulating a strategic plan, said township manager Rod Taylor. Planned street party to cap construction- July 20, 2008 ST. JOHNS - The planning is much like the project itself - unfinished - but some residents along East Walker Street are deep into details for a neighborhood gathering to celebrate the reopening of their street. Mint Fest offers variety of activities- July 19, 2008 ST. JOHNS - The 23rd annual St. Johns Mint Festival is only a month away. The committee is still putting the final touches on everything to make it a great weekend. First Sunday Gallery Walk- July 17, 2008 Art galleries in the Lansing area traditionally have opening receptions for new art exhibits on the first Sunday of each month. Blood drives planned- July 15, 2008 ST. JOHNS - There are a couple of blood drives planned for Clinton County in the coming weeks. Local church hosts 'Godspell' July 8- July 13, 2008 Huntington University will present "Godspell," a musical celebration of the Gospel of Matthew. Clinton County Senior Center bake sale coming- July 11, 2008 ST. JOHNS - The Clinton County Senior Center will hold a bake sale at Krogers on Saturday, July 12, starting at 9 a.m. cookies, cakes, brownies, breads and candy will be available. Bath Days group to hold meetings- July 9, 2008 The Bath Days Festival committee will be having its last three planning meetings on the following dates: July 8, 22, and 29. DAESA invites public to tour new fire station- July 6, 2008 DEWITT - Gail Watkins, chairman of the DeWitt Area Emergency Services Authority board, said the recent addition of a new fire station in Olive Township is the fulfillment of a duty. |