Old School Netiquette still good!- June 24, 2008 I have used internet since 1990. I'm not the first user, but it was in a time where the community was small enough that the community was able to give recommendations and help on how to use correctly technologies such as email, usenet, etc. The internet grew tremendously. Email traffic exploded (more than 90% of spam). The Web enabled a lot of interactions by masking different communication modalities. Many have no idea what is the Netiquette. And maybe it's fine. Each W3C mailing-list is a.http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/netiquette-w3c-mailing-list.html Update of the RDFa distiller- June 23, 2008 Now that RDFa has been published as a Candidate Recommendation, it was time to make a new version of the RDFa distiller (ie, pyRdfa). The last update was done when RDFa went into Last Call; there has been some improvements since. Besides the (obvious) fact that the distiller follows the latest RDFa syntax, both the RDFXML and the Turtle serializers went through serious changes: some of the earlier problems with the original serializers of RDFLib have been taken care of. The most interesting...http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/update_of_the_rdfa_distiller.html How to contribute to W3C work with a PhD- June 23, 2008 A few months ago, I was explaining how you can participate to W3C work in a different way: writing tutorials, writing quick tips. I found out last week a new and original way to participate to W3C work. Marcos Cceres is an invited expert on the Web Application Formats Working Group and he is the editor of a few W3C specifications. Widgets 1.0: Requirements Widgets 1.0: The Widget Landscape Widgets 1.0: Digital Signature So far, there is nothing really surprising. But I noticed in his bio..http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/contribute-w3c-work.html Interview: David Baron on Firefox 3 and W3C Standards- June 20, 2008 At the news of the official release of Firefox 3 (FF3), I asked David Baron, Mozilla's Advisory Committee Representative at W3C (see photo), a few questions about the browser release and support for standards. Note: I anticipate interviewing (lots of) other W3C Members about their involvement in W3C work and support for standards in products. Next week: Opera, on its recent browser release. Q. So is the rumor true that Firefox 3 implements every W3C Recommendation...http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/interview_david_baron_on_firef.html Lithuania is first- June 20, 2008 Firefox 3 was released two days ago and is spreading around the world as I write. I've been playing around with the number of downloads of Firefox 3 per country and thought others might be interested. So, the United States come first in the total numbers but that doesn't tell us much, given the population and internet users in that country. A more interesting approach is to compare the downloads with the world population and Internet users. And there, it's Lithuana who comes first. Almost 30%...http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/lithuania_is_first.html About the Love - w3.org Redesign- June 17, 2008 I mentioned last October that W3C is redesigning key pages of its site, including the home page. Love in the air, Karl Dubost waxed the other day. I am managing this project and have enlisted Airbag Industries to design the templates. A number of Web designers (including some people on staff) are reviewing design ideas and draft information architecture. We have a ways to go, but I am confident that the effort will result in a much improved site. Here's where we stand: Airbag Industries has.http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/about_the_love_w3org_redesign.html Optimizing your Web server- June 17, 2008 There are many ways of optimizing your Web server performances. It becomes essential when you are dealing with a high traffic Web site, but it usually good practice for giving a better user experience and saving money. A while ago, we published The Way of Web Standards to emphasize good practices around Web technologies. One of them was Use caching capabilities to save time and money. We were giving techniques with Apache and PHP for setting the caching of your Web content. It would be...http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/optimize-http-web-server.html love is in the air- June 13, 2008 On 24 June in Boston, Ethan Marcotte from Airbag Industries will give a talk at "An Event Apart." He will share part of his recent work. I'm telling you: love is in the airhttp://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/w3c-love-in-air.html HTML 5 Publications- June 11, 2008 Three documents have been published for HTML 5 by the HTML Working Group. HTML 5 Publication Notes, W3C Working Group Note 10 June 2008, is an update of what has been added, removed and changed in the HTML 5 specification since the 1st Working Draft. You can consider it as a log of changes. It is particulary helpful if you are following one of the sections of HTML 5 specification and want to know about its status. HTML 5 differences from HTML 4, W3C Working Draft 10 June 2008. This document..http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/html5-publications.html Standards Fun- June 10, 2008 Lachlan Marcos and Anne, both working at Opera, have set up a Web site: Standards Suck. There are, for now, only 3 video interviews about different technical specifications. I'm pretty sure, we can expect more. I hope they will keep it fun.http://www.w3.org/QA/2008/06/standards-fun.html |