TameBear: Mac Web HostingDesign and technical intel for webmasters hosting web sites on MacOS. A TameBear weblog.(Untitled)- May 30, 2006 ImageBurner 2.0: An update of the graphical front end app for hdutil, the command-line utility for burning disk images to CD or DVD. ImageBurner is a free Universal Binary for Mac OS v10.4. ADG Software via Macintouchhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/macWebHosting/2006/05/30.html#a779 (Untitled)- May 27, 2006 Solar Powered: In this followup to last year's "Preparing for Solar" episode, the Bear interviews webmaster Peter Oakley to learn more about the solar electric power system that was installed at his home office this Spring. Pete describes how solar panels work, the components of the system, interconnection with the electric utility grid, battery backup, environmental reasons for going solar, total cost and payback. A very informative episode for everyone interested in reducing their ecological..http://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/macWebHosting/2006/05/26.html#a778 (Untitled)- May 18, 2006 Apple Ads: Communicating a product's value is not easy. In their new "Get A Mac" TV ad campaign, Apple has taken one of the most recognizable metaphors -- interaction between two people -- and communicated something very big in a small way. What I find compelling is that both peoplecomputers are likeable, though obviously different. Apple makes its points effectively without unforgivably slamming the competition. Microsoft Monitorhttp://www.wisdomroad.com/tamebear/categories/macWebHosting/2006/05/18.html#a774 |