Student Loan ArticlesFree student loan articles covering a wide array of financial aid related topicsParent Loans or Student Loans - what is going to be best for my child- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Which is the better option - student loans or parent loans Each has distinct advantages and uses, learn about them here! Private Student Loans - dispelling the myths- (Found June 24, 2008 ) If savings, grants, scholarships, and federal loans dont cover the cost of your education, its time to turn to private loans. But young college students cant qualify for a private loan, can they Wrong! This article addresses this and other myths about student loans that you may run into. College Debt - how to avoid it, and how to get out of it- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Is this the price you have to pay for higher education, or can you avoid college debt in the first place PLUS Loan - Why Choose a PLUS Loan- (Found June 24, 2008 ) A PLUS Loan can be your ticket into college, but it really has more to do with your parents than it has to do with you. What exactly are PLUS Loans Well, basically, a PLUS Loan is a loan that must be obtained by your parents in order to pay off your educational tuition. If you are a dependent of your parents and a future undergraduate student at any college or university within the country, a Federal PLUS Loan might be the right choice for your family. Additionally, your parents credit history.. Private Loan Consolidation - When Federal Consolidation is Not an Option- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Sometimes, when it comes down to your money, it is better off just handling it yourself and putting it into the trusted hands of someone who will make the wisest decisions with it. With that in mind, once you graduate from college, it is very likely that you will be saddled down with student loan debt and any other debt accrued during your college years (i.e. credit card debt). In situations like these, federal consolidation may either not be an option or just might not be the best option for... Consolidate Loans Before the Rate Change!- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Have you ever heard the old adage, There is no time like the present Well, if there was ever a time that that advice was very necessary, today is the day, as when it comes to debt consolidation on student loans, today is definitely the day to consolidate. Debt consolidation on your student loans can help you to save hundreds of dollars every year, as it helps to cut down the interest rates that you are currently paying on a variety of different college student loans. By cutting down these... Scholarship Search Engine- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Getting scholarships for college is not the hard part but actually going out and finding scholarships that fit your requirements is! For years, high school guidance counselors used to suggest possible scholarships to students or give them large booklets filled with hundreds and thousands of college scholarships. Going through these books and actually finding a scholarship became a task all in and of itself. With the popularity of the internet though, finding a scholarship for college through a. Scholarship Search- (Found June 24, 2008 ) So youve made the decision to go to college Great! But the decisions are just beginning for you, as in the coming months, you will need to make dozens of decisions concerning your future. While searching for scholarships may be one of those tough decisions, make it a whole lot easier by following these 10 simple things that you will need to do before applying for scholarships. Refinance Student Loans - How and Why- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Lets face facts. Going to college these days, especially private universities, is no cheap task and can put you well into debt before you even enter the real world for yourself. Most people, especially young college students, do not have the tens of thousands of dollars to pony up every year for college tuition either. Therefore, most college students choose to use student loans to put themselves through college, whereby they can pay the tuition without breaking a sweat. However, when it comes.. Private Education Loans- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Sometimes, financial aid, scholarships, and federal grants and loans are just not enough to help you pay your way through college. Also, sometimes a federal loan is just not what you are looking for, as you must abide by the strict regulations surrounding the loans and must follow specific plans to pay back these loans. In these instances, why not apply for a private education loan through a company that specially tailors a loan just for your specific educational purposes |