Introducing myself- February 24, 2004 My name is Anant Vijay Dimri and till last fortnight I was working as DSE in OLECOM team. I worked on OLE, COM, COM Interop, Remoting technologies for couple of years now. I found remoting to be of my interest though Interop also attracted my attention from time to time. Most of my posts would be in Remoting and Interop.Currently I am moving to Sharepoint technologies within Microsoft and would continue to share my experiences in sharepoint as well. Originally from busy city of New Delhi,.. Passing Credentials in .net Remoting- February 23, 2004 This is my first blog, so jumping straight to the point. One intresting thing that I wanted to share for which I have not seen much documentation but people spending long hours figuring this out is how to pass credentials in .net Remoting. Basically there would be two kinds of scenarios:1. Passing default credentials: i.e if a user wants to pass the windows credentials of the process along with the remoting request.In this scenario all you want to do is set the useDefaultCredentials... |