Alan Cameron Wills' WebLogDomain-specific modeling, languages, software factories, ...Extending the DSL Tools- December 20, 2005 The DSL Tools are extensible - as well as writing a specification of your own language, you can add your own code to extend the language and its tools in various ways. One of the best ways to learn the extensions is by reading the DSL Samples. They include detailed writeups on how to customize the tools, with sections on validation, deployment, templates, customized shapes, menu commands, and other goodies. ModelsUML conference- December 20, 2005 The ModelsUML conference has posted its call for papers Steve, Stuart and I take it in turns on the programme committee for this. (Stuart was Programme Chair last year.) "The MoDELS series of conferences are devoted to the topic of model-driven engineering, covering both languages and systems used to create complex systems. These conferences are both an expansion and a re-direction of previous Unified Modeling Language (UML) conferences, and replaced... End-to-end DSL samples available- December 13, 2005 We've just published an updated set of samples for the DSL Tools. As well as updates to the previous examples, which show how to customize your DSL, there's now a complete small end-to-end showing how a DSL can be used to generate the code of a project, and work as part of a larger solution. The scenario in the end-to-end is in a team where they often have to design Windows wizards. The layout of the wizard pages is constant, with Next and Back buttons and so on; but the sequence of... |