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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for September 2006

Tanny O'Haley's Weblog

Thoughts on life, family, programming.

Ive Gone Pink for October 2006 - September 29, 2006

I know it's a couple of days early to go Pink for October, but I don't have time to convert this weekend. Please take the time to donate to a breast cancer organization of your choice. ...

Time ParserDropdown Combo - September 12, 2006

Here it is, all 468 lines of code to create a dropdown list time parser combo box for the web. I don't have much time to document, so here's what you need to use it. Upate: 15 Sep 2006 - added link to dropdown.gif. Update 18 Apr 2007 - Added Radix parameter to each instance of parseInt(). ...

Pink for October 2006 - September 5, 2006

My grandma Ethel contracted breast cancer in the 1970's. She decided that she wanted to use natural healing methods to cure the cancer and went to Mexico to get Laitril treatments. When she finally came home it was too late because the cancer had spread throughout her body. I visited her three weeks before she died. She faded in and out of consciousness while I talked with her. The problem is that she could have lived longer if she had surgery instead of going to Mexico. With that in mind,...
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