Tanny O'Haley's WeblogThoughts on life, family, programming.DOMContentLoaded for Browsers, Part IV- October 26, 2007 When I originally added the DOMContentLoaded event handler to Dean Edwards' addEvent function, I didn't provide a way to handle calls to it after the DOMContentLoaded event handler ran. If a developer called addEvent(window, "DOMContentLoaded", myFunction) after the DOMContentLoaded event ran, the passed function would never run. This version fixes the problem so that even if you call addEvent for the DOMContentLoaded event and the DOMConentLoaded event handler has already run, it will run your.http://tanny.ica.com/ICA/TKO/tkoblog.nsf/dx/domcontentloaded-for-browsers-part-iv Land line gone, VOIP is todays phone service- October 2, 2007 My land line cost around $60.00USD a month and I was tired of paying that much money for a service we rarely used. We wanted a "family" phone but didn't want to pay what we had been paying. I have been using Skype on my computer for about three years and have been happy with the improved quality of the service, so we decided to go with Skype. A couple of weeks ago, I bought a Netgear Skype phone. The Skype web site is pretty easy to use if you're going to download their software or...http://tanny.ica.com/ICA/TKO/tkoblog.nsf/dx/land-line-gone-voip-is-todays-phone-service |