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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for May 2008

Backup Brain

Backup Brain: Tom Negrino and Dori Smith on technology, culture, and politics

Friday catblogging - May 23, 2008

Pixel the Cat informing me that it's time for some cat love:...

One Thing About Apple - May 14, 2008

John Gruber wrote a post tonight, Daring Fireball: Why Apple Won't Buy Adobe. It starts off with: This ones pretty simple. And then, as is Gruber's wont, goes on for many paragraphs. Here's my much shorter opinion (which I've said...

Happy anniversary to us! - May 6, 2008

Seven years ago today, we were married in front of our family and friends. It was a wonderful day, and it's been a great seven years, too. Happy anniversary, sweetie....

Tom and Dori, Here and There, Audio and Video - May 6, 2008

If you're a regular visitor here, you've noticed that we haven't been posting much. That isn't because we haven't been busy, and here's a few links to what we've been up to that I don't think I've previously mentioned: Last...

Something I've noticed - May 4, 2008

My life as a freelancer - May 4, 2008

From John Scalzi, this is so true: In the royalty package, a note, on bright yellow paper, warning me and presumably all authors receiving checks from Macmillan, that the check is only good for 90 days, so to be sure...

You find the damnedest things in used bookstores - May 1, 2008

I was skimming Kottke, and I saw a bit that said: Photos of a Masonic handbook from 1920 called King Solomon and His Followers -- A Valuable Aid to the Memory. The text is written in shorthand. That sounds interesting,...
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