The Progress ReportIndependent alternative news daily.A tale of string pulling and happy ending -- unless you're a taxpayer- June 24, 2008 Rep. Henry Brown evades the Forest Service's penalty for negligence in burning acres of public and private land. The Truce and the Noose- June 23, 2008 Israel and Hamas could extend their truce, notes Sr Editor Fred Foldvary, if they rent the land from a joint confederacy. Silence- June 22, 2008 Solstice has come, summer has begun, marked by lawnmowers and other outdoor motors, but can't outdoors offer less Why Oil Prices Are So High- June 21, 2008 All of a sudden, oil moves way, way up. Whose demand just jumped so high Whose supply suddenly dropped so low US Supreme Court -- Not a place to court democracy- June 20, 2008 Only five justices supported habeas corpus, one of the oldest bedrocks of our defense against a state turning dictatorial. Seven advances on the long road to eco-librium- June 19, 2008 Some nations' top leaders get ahead of the parade that's marching for a peopleplanet balance. Chris Hedges: America's Democratic Collapse- June 18, 2008 We are undergoing a coup d'etat in slow motion. We are one or two terrorist attacks away from a police state. The business press points to unstable underpinnings- June 17, 2008 The normally confident commentators, whose boosterism and hot air help blow the bubbles, now seem worried. Inflation Rising- June 16, 2008 Like a bad moon, the cost of living has taken off, due to, Sr Editor Fred Foldvary explains, bad public policy. Perfect Timing, Part 32, The time travelers face their past- June 15, 2008 Kenny and Corey solve the riddle of Geotopia, but in time to avert a reunion with their interrupted crime |