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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for July 2008

The World of Stuff

Semi-geeky musings, links, and observations by an all-geeky teenager.

Will be blind, but now I see - July 30, 2008

I always worried about this day. Now it has come. Well, it hasn't quite. But I can tell it's coming now. Yesterday, after a routine checkup, the ophthalmologist or optometrist or whoever (I like optometrist better because it's easier to spell) told me I was slightly farsighted, more so in one eye than the other. She ...

Ten times better - July 28, 2008

In October 2003, I "suddenly became obsessed with the metric system," as I put it at the time. I mentioned plans for writing an article called "The Metric System: Ten Times Better or Inching Toward a Metric America." Well, that didn't happen. A fragmentary draft exists on my computer, last modified on October 19, 2003: In ...

My brain is behind the times - July 25, 2008

I played baseball with my some of my friends again yesterday. They've really been getting into it lately. Even though my friend Nick wants to start a league or something, we still didn't have enough people to play a game, so we were just hitting the ball around. I got a left-handed glove, so I, ...
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