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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for August 2007

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Microsoft Programming Technologies

Visual FoxPro - Designer Ideas and a Screencast - August 20, 2007

Designing Enhancements for Visual Subclasses -and VFP's designers I've been toying around with some ideas I had sometime back. I wanted to find ways to not only create sublclassed controls that work as dynamically at design-time as the VFP baseclasses, but also create additional designer features in Visual FoxPro starting with the Form and Class designers. The following 15 minute screencast shows how both of these things can be accomplished using existing Visual FoxPro IDE features and..,guid,cbe94fe8-cf6b-4600-9a05-b23b0adf...

Updated version of VFPCompression - Password Protection - August 9, 2007

08112007 - Updated documentation and exmples... there were some errors in the documentation and in the examples as shown. The FLL did not need to be modified. This was simply some mistakes I made when modifying the samples and documentation for this blog entry. My apologies. VFPCompression Library A community member out on the Universal Thread said that adding password protection to the library would prove useful. So, I've added it. Note the number of functions that have had.,guid,6cfb3b79-5a25-42f6-8eba-00be6240...

Executing VB.NET and C Code in Visual FoxPro - August 8, 2007

How would you like to be able to write VB.NET or C code in your Visual FoxPro applications and have it compiled a single time (JIT) at runtime into an assembly in memory that would even return a .NET object back to you Here are a couple of simple examples to show what the code would look like in a VFP prg file: Initializes the variables to pass to the MessageBox.Show method. string message = "You did not enter a server name. Cancel this operation"; string caption = "Error Detected in...,guid,1e36bc3d-2ab1-43e4-8314-6fc8e16e...

VFPEncryption Update - August 6, 2007

The free vfpencryption71.fll has been updated. Changes include: Bug fix for a very obscure problem when encrypting and decrypting Jpg image files using AES 256 Added a CRC() and CRCFile() function that produces 16 and 32 bit CRCs for Strings and Files Added HashRecord() and CRCRecord() functions that allow a VFP developer to quickly and easily generate Hashes or CRCs for the current record in an opened table Download the Latest Version of the VFP Encryption 71 FLL (63 KB...,guid,e1cd4af4-1eff-4ef8-9abd-4999813e...
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