The Web Standards ProjectWorking together for standardsAnnouncing the WaSP Curriculum Framework- July 31, 2008 Since March 2008, the WaSP Education Task Force has begun working on the WaSP Curriculum Framework, a collection of tools aiming to identify skill sets and competencies that aspiring Web professionals need to acquire to prepare them for their chosen careers, as well as resources that will help both educators and students. 2008 survey of people who make websites- July 30, 2008 In case you haven&8217;t seen it, please invest ten minutes of your time to complete the 2008 A List Apart survey so that we can build a snapshot of our industry. Curriculum Survey Results- July 28, 2008 The Web Standards Project Education Task Force release the results of the 2007 Curriculum Survey. Acid 2 Test Back to Normal- July 25, 2008 The Acid 2 test hosted here on the WaSP site was broken but is now fixed. British Standard for accessibility- July 11, 2008 The British Standards Institution (BSI) has invited two members of the WaSP, Bruce Lawson and Patrick Lauke, to join the drafting committee for the first British Standard for Web Accessiblity. Two years ago, the BSI was sponsored by the Disability Rights Commission to write a Publicly Available Specification (PAS) called PAS 78: Guide ... Opera Web Standards Curriculum- July 8, 2008 Chris Mills of Opera Software ASA announced today the release of the Opera Web Standards Curriculum. The initial 23 of 50 proposed articles are published and available. |