The Axis of StevilNational Local Art movement, Comics, Flash, Creative, FUN!See yourself in a Fjord Model D- (Found August 15, 2008 ) In this text box i created MAGIC!!!! Magic i say. NEVER BE CAUGHT SPEECHLESS!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) The perplexing panda propagates the many paradigms of the pragmatic problems of phonics. Not just the penguin of the bear universe, the panda was blessed with a language; that despite its best intention can never quite say the right thing. Among other things, this has caused the retardation of the pandanian courtship process. That can last several years, often fraught with misapprehension and nervousness. Because of this fact The Axis of Stevil has crafted this handy pocket guide of common... THE SCIENCE OF TOMORROW, TODAY!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Fad medical ideas have found commonplace in our culture. Every ten years, like clockwork, a new "science" is invented or rehashed. If they catch on, these breakthrough health fads (bHADS) can become part of our everyday cycle of life, much like The Atkins Diet or Mormon Faith. Recent advancements in the metric system lend new credibility to the science of Phrenology. Appearing in major headlines with Woody Haralson opening his fifth Phrenological head shop, phrenology seems set to once again... FACEBOOK: GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) This past Friday, Monks of the high order of Mon' were called to southern San Picco where reports say the 357th reincarnation of Mon' has arrived. If confirmed it will be the cosmic beginnings first appearance in over 6 years. The creature, Mon' Monetup, a confrontational being of obsessive collecting, is said to inhabit the Facebook. Fueling the collection of an online network of "friends" regardless of any actual relationships with these people. Arm your profile with all your obscure friends.. ORANGE JULIUS TRAPPED IN A MONDAY- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Some days are just like that, Even in australia. P.B.C. And You- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Summer is finally here and many people find themselves shedding their cloth skins and traveling to the ocean. This yearly quest of mankind to seek a large body of water is a great way to spend a weekend and to mentally recharge one's batteries. Large bodies of water are what a weary brain needs to relax and enjoy the sweltering summer days. Too often people forsake the bounds of good taste when selecting their swimwear and don an outfit that straddles the divide of bad taste and "too much... More Cluck For Your Buck- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Do you need somebody murdered Is a close friend or relative being held captive by an evil tyrant If so you need the Kickin Chickin! Unlike most assassin groups, the Kickin Chicken will not ask you for a deposit and two forms of ID. Masters of their ancient art, the Kickin Chicken have never lost a battle and always get their man. Master Splinter: Bustin' Your Lats- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Once upon a time in the early days of modern culture, there was a man, Hanato Yoshi. He, at an early age, mastered the arts of business through patience, meditation and martial arts. Now YOU can take advantage of his one ness Carlton's Luicd Cheese trip- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Carlton D. rock, Eats quaility american cheese before taking a nap. The Horror of Cheese Madness!!- (Found August 15, 2008 ) Public Notice: The Axis of Stevil is aware of the new public trend of eating large quantities of premium Jack and Mozzarella cheeses. This is said to induce nightmarish and disturbing imagery in your dreams, a lucid trip if you will. While there is no adverse health risk to this overdose besides your waistline, heart, and ability to operate small-incased vehicles. The mental trauma that ramifies itself after the tripper has awoken is staggering. |