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Feed items 61 - 70 of 72 for August 2008

The Axis of Stevil

National Local Art movement, Comics, Flash, Creative, FUN!

LOW IMPACT TERRORISM - (Found August 15, 2008 )

In recent weeks The Axis of Stevil has noticed an increase in the level of terrorist chatter. Several creditable threats in the form of magazine order cards have been intercepted that show a swelling of entry-level terrorist support. Be aware of low impact terrorist organizations that seek to draw upon the sympathies of evil and unmotivated men. The following press release was found in a raid of a terrorist compound outside of Jamestown, MA.

DON'T BE A DUMMY - (Found August 15, 2008 )

Traffic on the thoroughfares and byways surrounding major cities is often congested and subject to slow-downs. The one salvation to this chaos is the H.O.V. lanes. These high-occupancy lanes allow society to once again elevate families and sociable people above the single loners of the world. Well, if you are tired of being stuck behind the "newest shipments of summer savings", "wide right turns" or "I brake for Jesus", The Axis of Stevil suggests you get out into the fast lane, without fear,...

SPEED OF GROUND - (Found August 15, 2008 )


Featured Steve: STEVEN SEGAL - (Found August 15, 2008 )

This illustrious company is founded on the principle that everyone can be successful and have a voice to speak their ideas, even people as plain as the name given to millions of people each year, Steve! Every so often, the Axis of Stevil takes pleasure in shining the proverbial spotlight on a Steve who shows excellence in their field. Read more at


With $4.95 and a will to conquer, you can get your hands on enough scaroel to control five people. What is scaroel It's an extract from the Clary sage (Salvia) that has been used as a mind control agent in cigarettes and perfumes for the past 50 years. It is made from the process of mixing large quantities of the sage with hexidine. A 1gram mass of concentrated scaroel, when ingested, inhaled or even looked at under the right lighting, is thought to lessen a subject's ability to think...

Tax Break! - (Found August 15, 2008 )

Tax season is once again upon us. Distinguishable by the annual reprinting of HASBEEN's Best Seller, "20,001 of Kwame's Favorite Accounting Tips and Secrets". If you are fiduciary challenged, consider what the jacket of the book has to say. "20,001 of Kwame's Favorite Accounting Tips and Secrets" is a powerhouse of money saving ideas, loopholes, and incentives guaranteed to make your day more rewarding.

PIG ON A DIG - (Found August 15, 2008 )

The world adventurer, Thurston Zee Pig spent Saturday night comfortably resting at The Axis of Stevil's dome enclosed cornfield. The pig has had a very busy past week unraveling both the mysteries of the ages, and a modern day case of Espionage straight from the pages of Fleming and Rice. While resting, Thurston logged his most recent adventures that are soon to be produced into an IEC investigative news program.

Nature's Gatlin Gun - (Found August 15, 2008 )

Aggressive time pilfering is the behavior of choice for one of nature's most loathed creatures, The Badger. Not the wise character or warrior TV would lead you to believe, Badgers are often moronic and underhanded. If you see a badger, drop whatever you are doing and get indoors! The only sure way of remaining safe is to be out of a badger's field of vision. A badger could appear at any time, thus you should always be prepared; readiness will give you an edge in any badger altercation.

Featured Steve: STEVEN T. PIZZAWHEEL - (Found August 15, 2008 )

This illustrious company is founded on the principle that everyone can be successful and have a voice to speak their ideas, even people as plain as the name given to millions of people each year, Steve! Every so often, the Axis of Stevil takes pleasure in shining the proverbial spotlight on a Steve who shows excellence in their field. Read more at

PORKSTOCK - (Found August 15, 2008 )

March kicks off one the greatest meat festivals of the year; far better than any bratwurst convention. Dutch and Belgium immigrants started the month-long "Tastes of Pork Festival" in 1912. It was originally designed to drive up the market price of pigs after the traditional post-Christmas decline in meat sales. Pig farmers often refer to January and February as 'the mill' or 'deadzone'. One out of every five pig farms fail during these months and most pig ranchers are hard-pressed to make...
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