Ferris Biker's Day Off- June 29, 2004 Yesterday I suddenly got the idea in the mid-afternoon that it was time to get the hell out of the homestead and motor on down to Venice Beach. My (way) better half, Silver, agreed. She could get outta the house too. You know, she's pretty cool. She was already riding her own scooter when I met her umpty-ump years ago, so she's no wanna-be. We gets on our respective noise makers and putt on down the 10 freeway -- about 23 miles, and we're there. We got messed up looking for parking, and...http://angrybiker.blogspot.com/2004/06/ferris-bikers-day-off.html Addicted:Bill Gates- June 26, 2004 Today somebody called me a workaholic. This is bullshit, cuz there ain't no such thing. First of all, what is it with sticking "-aholic" after anything that somebody might want to do a lot of The implication is that one is addicted and can't stop. Obviously a bona fide alcoholic has got a problem, not only because he can't stop, but because of the effects of the alcohol on his body, his mind, his family, etc. So what's really going on when somebody says you're a <non-damaging activity of...http://angrybiker.blogspot.com/2004/06/addictedbill-gates.html Trailer Trash Tax Break- June 22, 2004 The other day my girl said to me, "if the government gets income tax for a big gambling win, then how come the cost of gambling isn't deductible" Damn good point. Maybe you have to be a professional gambler for this to make sense, but if you stick a few bucks into that car-sized slot machine and win a million bucks, you'll go "pro" about 2 seconds later, right So those few greenbacks you stuffed into the machine would be your business expense, right But what about all those ass-crack-showing..http://angrybiker.blogspot.com/2004/06/trailer-trash-tax-break.html Should I Stay Or Should I Go- June 17, 2004 Lately I've been thinking of getting out of California for good. This is no small decision, as I was born and raised here. Even my ma was born in Los Angeles, and a true second-generation Angelean is rare, considering most people who've been here a year or more will tell you they're "from Los Angeles". But I just think California is too damn hard on its citizens, its businesses, and so forth. I don't belong to any political party (ok, I do have my own -- the Completely Rational No Lies Or Bull.http://angrybiker.blogspot.com/2004/06/should-i-stay-or-should-i-go.html The Evil ATM Empire- June 14, 2004 And now for some straight-ahead ranting. I do a lot of banking with a bank who's name shall remain anonymous, but who's initials are "B-A-N-K-O-F-A-M-E-R-I-C-A". I have probably 6 or so accounts with these guys, and have been a customer a very long time. A moderately respectable level of funds is always on deposit. Now, I generally like ATMs, and as with many people, have gotten very used to just shoving the card in and getting my money out whenever I need to. That is, as long as the machine..http://angrybiker.blogspot.com/2004/06/evil-atm-empire.html Why Die 2- June 13, 2004 I'm mad at more than one dead guy. My most recent dead friend iswas Ed. I met Ed over 25 years ago. We took a class together, and got to be friends while working together on some educational things. Ed was the most brilliant electronics guy I've ever met. One day when I visited him he showed me what appeared to be a regular old Bic-type cigarette lighter. He flicked the wheel and it lit up feebly and went out. "This", he declared, "is a bug. I've got it transmitting over 300 yards." My stupid.http://angrybiker.blogspot.com/2004/06/why-die-2.html Why Die- June 11, 2004 Why the hell do people die, anyway I just see no benefit in it. Maybe it's just the dead body of Reagan being FedEx'd all over the place, with Queen-of-England-level ceremonies of State. But it got me to thinking. I remembered my old buddy Mace. If you were really in the know, he was Paul Mace. A bona fide character -- good musician, actor, martial artist. New baby -- the whole she-bang. Yeah, his career wasn't too good, but it was picking up; he'd recently been in the ensemble of the movie.http://angrybiker.blogspot.com/2004/06/why-die.html What's a Biker Got To Be Angry About- June 11, 2004 Yeah, I know it's amazing. What does a biker have to be angry about Perhaps the fact that kids do their 12 years of school and leave uneducated and hating education They'll do well. Nah. Maybe it's the upcoming election, with the choice of "Worser and Worserer" Nope... Ok, maybe, but that ain't it. Just maybe it's the fact that there hasn't been a movie as good as Casablanca since...Casablanca. And please, don't tell me about your favorite movie featuring an overaged teen...http://angrybiker.blogspot.com/2004/06/whats-biker-got-to-be-angry-about.html |