APM's Mixed CompanyMixed Company is written by Saint Paul Sunday staff, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the show and the classical music they love. We welcome your online comments.Silver and Gold- August 31, 2006 Over the past 25 years, Saint Paul Sunday has hosted numerous artists and ensembles who approach or claim "household name" status. That level of celebrity is a feat in any field, but perhaps especially in classical music. And we welcome any chance to bring our listeners artists with whom they're likely to be familiar. Sir James fits certainly fits that bill. Given the extra fizz of adrenaline these programs carry, though, we're never quite sure how they'll turn out. We're reflexively..http://www.publicradio.org/columns/sunday/archives/2006/08/silver_and_gold.php Viele Danken- August 24, 2006 I first heard of Milan Turkovic from Chuck Ullery, the solo bassoonist of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, who returned from a European tour with a suitcase full of records (yes, Virginia, it was that long ago.) and delighted tales of this masterful bassoonist he'd met in Vienna. We listened to the records and I had to agree pretty fearsome bassoon playing. And beautiful. And elegant. As time when on and I kept spotting Milan's name on recordings (especially those of Musicus Concentus Wien,...http://www.publicradio.org/columns/sunday/archives/2006/08/viele_danken.php Voyager- August 16, 2006 We recorded this program, Hélène Grimaud's second for Saint Paul Sunday, at our favorite New York City space, the concert hall at the American Academy of Arts and Letters. It seemed especially fitting for her. The daughter of linguists, Hélène Grimaud's first artistic explorations were with writers and books (the German Romantic poet Novalis in particular); music came a little later. I'll never forget a quiet few minutes she and I had after the recording. With..http://www.publicradio.org/columns/sunday/archives/2006/08/voyager.php |