Avid, Final Cut Pro, and Streaming Training CoursesFinal Cut Pro, Motion, DVD Studio Pro and Avid training resources (866-566-1881)Grouping Tracks in LiveType 2- October 16, 2007 You will find it useful to group tracks in LiveType in order to protect the integrity of an effect that may involve multiple tracks. Just the slightest movement of a track that is involved in a multilayer effect could throw the timing off for the entire piece. When grouped tracks are moved, they move together, so you don't have to worry about tweaking the effect out of sync. Lets Group Some Tracks! 1 When you first open LiveType, you are given a single empty track. Type something into...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/grouping_tracks_in_livetype_2.php Getting A Clip To Play in Reverse within Final Cut Pro- October 15, 2007 Let's say that you have been shooting footage at the Vans Skate Park and you've captured some serious stunts on tape to use as an intense sequence for a skateboarding documentary. Along with some pretty impressive airs you've also recorded some hair-raising wipeouts along the way. Perhaps for artistic purposes, or just because its cool to watch someone take a serious dive then walk away, you want to play the clip backward starting at the point of the skateboarder's crash. Having someone...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/getting_a_clip_to_play_in_reverse_within_final_cut... Adobe Encore and Checking your Project- October 14, 2007 Having the ability to make sure your final DVD will work in every way is very important before you burn your final project. The Check Project feature of Adobe Encore DVD lets you check for broken links, orphaned menus and timelines, and other common problems. Use this feature to identify and correct any problems before building your DVD. There are many options you may choose for Encore to check but it is wise to make sure you check every aspect of your DVD. Here is a breakdown of what each...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/adobe_encore_and_checking_your_project.php Adobe Encore: Preview Aspect Ratio- October 14, 2007 Adobe Encore has many features that you sometimes need to do a little digging to find. I had a friend ask me the other day why he could not preview his project in a 16:9 ratio. Well, you can. By default, the Project Preview window uses a 4:3 aspect ratio. You can change the default ratio in order to preview widescreen projects. Preview preferences also specify the target language and region codes. Just remember that full-screen playback is not available. That is, you cannot resize the Project..http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/adobe_encore_preview_aspect_ratio.php Utilizing Gradient Wipes in Final Cut Pro- October 12, 2007 If you're tired of the same old collection of transitions that you've been using time and time again, gradient wipes are a fresh way to change up the pace and the appearance of a program sequence. When you are using a gradient wipe, you are basically telling Final Cut Pro to use a designated matte image to create a transition between two sequences. The initial transformation from clip A to clip B will occur within the darkest areas of the image you have chosen with the brightest images...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/utilizing_gradient_wipes_in_final_cut_pro.php Designating Search Folders in Final Cut Pro- October 11, 2007 Reconnecting offline media is a pain, there is just no other way to describe it, but there are some things you can do within Final Cut Pro to narrow the search. You can designate which folders and drives Final Cut Pro should look in before you attempt to reconnect your offline media. If you go to Final Cut Pro System Settings, under the tab search folders, you can designate specific areas where FCP will perform the search. This is especially great if you have a large number of drives and if.http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/designating_search_folders_in_final_cut_pro.php Expression Studio Training Videos on DVD- October 11, 2007 For those interested in video training total for Expression Studio you can get training DVDs from Total Training. This DVD bundle gives you the flexibility and freedom to bring your vision to reality--whether you are designing standards-based Web sites, rich user experiences on the desktop, or managing digital assets and content. Get up to speed on the Microsoft professional design tools and innovative technologies in Expression Studio with Total Training for Expression Studio which...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/expression_studio_training_videos_on_dvd.php Positioning and Resizing Imported Objects in LiveType- October 10, 2007 The initial state of background textures and movies placed into the Canvas area of LiveType is locked, but you can unlock them fairly easily in order to reposition and resize them. Unlocking Movie and Texture Backgrounds 1 Within the timeline, select the track that you want to unlock. 2 Go to Layer Lock Position to uncheck this option. Now, when you select a texure or movie background, a bounding box will appear, allowing you to move this element.http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/positioning_and_resizing_imported_objects_in_livet... Adobe Encore and Slideshows- October 9, 2007 Adobe encore has a built in slide show producer. This is a great way to have the ability to add a slide show to your production and be able to modify ti later. A slide show contains a set of still images that viewers can play from a DVD. After you create a slide show, use the Slideshow Viewer to add still images. Supported file types include BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, PSD, and TIFF. In the Slideshow Viewer, you can also reorder slides, add audio clips, determine the duration of the slides, and...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/adobe_encore_and_slideshows.php Performing a Slip Edit in Final Cut Pro- October 9, 2007 You've just completed building your timeline, but something doesn't look quite right. The action in one of the clips seems to be a little off. Perhaps you didn't let the athlete follow through with her tennis stroke or maybe the actor didn't fully exit the screen before you cut-away. You're not looking to make the clip longer or shorter, you just need to modify the action within that clip. This is the perfect time to perform a slip edit, assuming that you captured enough media for that...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/performing_a_slip_edit_in_final_cut_pro.php |