Avid, Final Cut Pro, and Streaming Training CoursesFinal Cut Pro, Motion, DVD Studio Pro and Avid training resources (866-566-1881)Utilizing Travel Mattes in Final Cut Pro- October 31, 2007 Travel mattes can add another dimension to your Final Cut Pro project by allowing you to conceal part of a video image with a shape, while selectively focusing on an area of interest in your video. This same principle can also add some flavor to a tailor made graphic that reveals selective areas of video through it. 1 First, you must decide what you want to designate as a background and place it on V1 in the Timeline. This could be a still or animated graphic like a texture, a premade...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/utilizing_travel_mattes_in_final_cut_pro.php Akamai Wins Streaming Media Reader's Choice Award- October 31, 2007 The winner of the Streaming Media Reader's Choice Award in the category of Global Content Delivery Network is Akamai. It's not surprising with all of the buzz that surrounds this company. Category: Global Content Delivery Network Winner: Akamai Technologies First runner-up: RealNetworks Real Broadcast Network Second runner-up (tie): Limelight Networks, Mirror Image, PowerStream Here's what StreamingMedia.com had to say:http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/akamai_wins_streaming_media_readers_choice_award.p... Save Now on Telestream's Pipeline Network Encoder- October 31, 2007 Telestream's Pipeline Network Encoder is now available and those that purchase the tool before November 15th can save $200. The Shared network resource offers new approach to SDI video capture. You can import tape-based content into your Mac encoding workflow with Pipeline, the industry's first shared network encoder. Network-accessible SDI video import and export device - Flexible tape ingest into Final Cut and Episode workflows - User-selectable, real-time encoding to DV25,...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/save_now_on_telestreams_pipeline_network_encoder.p... On2 and RipCode Deliver Advanced Appliance-based Encoding- October 31, 2007 On2 Technologies Inc., a leader in video compression software and solutions, and RipCode, Inc. announced today that RipCode has integrated the On2 VP6 codec, which is used in Adobe Flash Player 8 and 9, for the industry's first hardware accelerated 2-pass encoding appliance for VP6 recently launched by RipCode. On2 VP6 based Flash video is among the most widely used formats for Internet video. As a result of this agreement, On2 VP6 based services will be able to deliver dynamic transcoding.http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/on2_and_ripcode_deliver_advanced_appliancebased_en... Adobe Encore and Keys for the Timeline- October 31, 2007 It is not obvious what each key stroke performs in the Adobe Encore interface. The most important keys you will use in Adobe Encore are with the timeline. Here is a quick list of my most used keystrokes when I am working with the Encore timeline: PlayPause=spacebar Move current-time indicator to end of timeline=End or Down arrow Move current-time indicator to beginning of timeline=Home or Up arrow Move current-time indicator one frame left=Left Arrow Move current-time indicator one...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/adobe_encore_and_keys_for_the_timeline.php Millennium Series Paintball Live Internet Video Broadcast- October 30, 2007 Network Foundation Technologies, LLC (NFT) partnered with European broadcaster StadeoTV to broadcast, at no charge to the viewer, the "Millennium Series - Disney French Open" event, live over the Internet to fans worldwide. This Free-For-View event was broadcast live on Sunday, October 14th, 2007, beginning at 7 am Eastern, from the Millennium Center Court at Euro Disney, in Paris, France, and viewers were able to tune in by using NFT's patented NiFTy Online Television product.http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/millennium_series_paintball_live_internet_video_br... Yonden Media Works Selects Wowza Media Server Pro- October 30, 2007 Wowza Media Systems announced that Yonden Media Works Co. Inc., a leading provider of video and media services in Japan, has selected Wowza Media Server Pro as the official Flash streaming software server platform for its entire range of Flash media services, including live and on-demand video streaming. The launch of Yonden Media Workss Wowza Flash Streaming Service marks a new era in large-scale Flash streaming in Japan. Wowza Media Server Pro, the most advanced Flash streaming server...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/yonden_media_works_selects_wowza_media_server_pro.... Telestream Unveils Episode Podcast- October 30, 2007 Telestream today introduced Episode Podcast, a product developed specifically for seamless integration with one of Apple's new Mac OS X Leopard Server features, Podcast Producer. Telestream's Episode Podcast addresses a growing need for educators to provide students with anytime, anywhere access to content on mobile and personal devices. Episode Podcast extends format support for Podcast Producer to virtually any video or audio file format or platform. "The convergence of broadband with...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/telestream_unveils_episode_podcast.php Using Time Shift audio plug for Avid Xpress- October 26, 2007 In case you missed it, Avid now includes a time-shift audio plugin that is included with the Avid software. You must have at least 5.7.X in order to use this new feature. In some ways, it is the same as the old time compression expansion filter, but I find it much easier to use since it doesn't deal with ratios. The time-shift filter is good for adjusting the speed of audio without adjusting it's pitch. For example, let's say you are editing a 30 second commercial, but your edited spot is.http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/using_time_shift_audio_plug_for_avid_xpress.php Osprey Video Capture Cards Assist National University of Singapore- October 26, 2007 The ViewCast Osprey line of high-performance video capture cards is playing a starring role in educational Webcasting and distance learning programs at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The university is using the Osprey devices for NUScast, an award-winning program for streaming video of university lectures and other events over the NUS Web site. In addition, as a participant in the Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) educational consortium, NUS is using the streaming technology in a...http://www.geniusdv.com/weblog/archives/osprey_video_capture_cards_assist_national_univers... |