Stephen Sondheim NewsNews about Stephen Sondheim continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Sondheim's 'Bounce' renamed 'Road Show'- August 13, 2008 Published: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 8:40 a.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 at 8:43 a.m. New York From Bounce to Road Show - the Stephen Sondheim-John Weidman musical has got a new name and now ... Passage George Furth- August 13, 2008 The actor and playwright -- who wrote the book for the 1970 Stephen Sondheim musical, Company -- died Monday. Two Sondheim musicals announced for Stratford- August 13, 2008 Next year's musical lineup will consist of two Stephen Sondheim creations rooted in the bard's works. Cerveris and Gemignani to Star in Road Show, Re-Do of Sondheim's Bounce- August 12, 2008 Michael Cerveris and Alexander Gemignani will star in the Public Theater's forthcoming New York premiere of Stephen Sondheim's Road Show , the musical formerly known as Bounce . 'Into the Woods' headed to Mifflin amphitheater- August 11, 2008 MANSFIELD -- Jennifer Williams admitted to a bit of a bias about the Sunday's performance of 'Into the Woods' at the Renaissance Theatre. HOT's A Little Night Music- August 9, 2008 Hawaii Opera Theatre's A Little Night Music is a musical treat and its last showings are this weekend, August 9-10. The opening song gives you goose bumps - even after you realize that the five performers are ... Movie Nation: Casting Sondheim's 'Assassins'- August 7, 2008 I went down to the South End and caught Company One's production of the rarely-staged Stephen Sondheim musical " Assassins " the other day. Andrew Hamingson named Public Theatre's executive director- August 7, 2008 Andrew Hamingson has been appointed executive director of the Public Theater, one of the most prominent non-profit theatres in the United States, it was announced Wednesday by the Public's board of directors. The Sharks and Jets never had it so good- August 6, 2008 There's a reason why "West Side Story" is the classic American musical. Actually, there are a few of them. Loeb: Maid to perform- August 4, 2008 Rebecca Jo Loeb sings the saucy role of Petra, the family maid, in 'A Little Night Music' at the Tanglewood Music Institute. |