The Rat Pack NewsNews about The Rat Pack continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Show captures spirit of Sinatra, Martin and Davis Jr.- August 13, 2008 The spirits of Sammy, Dean and Frank still live on, thanks to the efforts of Gary, Mark and Paul. Two-Fisted Tiki Tales- August 11, 2008 This story originally appeared in PW Comics Week on August 5, 2008 Sign up now! by Chris Arrant -- Publishers Weekly, 842008 3:12:00 PM If you've ever seen South Pacific or been to a Trader Vic's, Tiki Joe ... Sinatra stylist to croon for Clinton- August 9, 2008 Frank Sinatra-stylist Jack D'Amico will bring A Night with the Songs of Frank Sinatra with the Joe Valentino Band to the next Under the Prairie Stars free summer concert at 7 p.m. Thursday. Frank Sinatra - Sinatra Jr. Finds Brazilian Through Newspaper Ad- August 7, 2008 Caption: United States Postal Service Board of Governors Alan Kessler 42-cent Frank Sinatra commemorative stamp dedication ceremony held at Gotham Hall New York City, USA .... LATEST: FRANK SINATRA's son has ... Love to karaoke You can do it for the masses now, courtesy of the Web- August 7, 2008 Thomas G. Robinson sang karaoke to Luther Vandross' "Here and Now" so well, someone in the audience bought him a drink. Sammy Davis Jr - Davis Jr. Died in Debt- August 5, 2008 Former RAT PACK member SAMMY DAVIS JR. died with millions of dollars worth of debt, leaving his estate in a shambles, a new tell-all book has revealed. Sammy's End Poor, Pathetic- August 5, 2008 BELOVED former Rat Pack member Sammy Davis Jr. died broke, in debt to the IRS, and left his estate in such a shambles that it still hasn't been straightened out. |