VOIPfeedAll things VOIP. Your source for VOIP news and information.Will Open-Source Asterisk revolutionize the PBX marketplace- March 17, 2005 Over the past few years Asterisk, the open-souce, IP-based, pbx for Linux has been creating a stir. With Asterisk, one can build an enterprise pbx system for a fraction of the cost of an equivalent Lucent or Nortel solution. The...http://www.voipfeed.com/2005/03/will_opensource.html VOIP Blocking - Vonage speaks out- March 9, 2005 In a recent FCC decision, Madison River Communications, a broadband company out of North Carolina, was fined for restricting Vonage service to its users. At VON 2005, Vonage CEO, Jeffrey Citron said, "traditional carriers can't afford to compete all-out with...http://www.voipfeed.com/2005/03/voip_blocking_v.html voip.google.com - Google's next move- March 9, 2005 Google was asking all kinds of questions at Spring VON 2005. MSN, Yahoo! and AOL have been in the the IM and to some extent, the voice chat market for quite some time. At the same conference AOL annouced plans...http://www.voipfeed.com/2005/03/voipgooglecom_g.html Convergence in Minnesota- March 1, 2005 In Minnesota, various government agencies are moving from Qwest telephony to a VoIP solution. In doing so they eliminate 15,000 phone lines over the next two years. One would think that government agencies, would normally be late adopters of the...http://www.voipfeed.com/2005/03/convergence_in_.html VoIP not for Finance- March 1, 2005 The Finance industry feels that VOIP networks are too rickety in their M&A driven world. Because of networks "cobbled together through mergers and acquisitions. The result is often inefficiency, high cost, inadequate disaster recovery and an inability to deliver new...http://www.voipfeed.com/2005/03/voip_not_for_fi.html |