Officially sulking...- January 31, 2005 For those of you paying attention, you may have noticed my uninterrupted posts this weekend. That of course means I lost. And by lost, I mean I sucked. And by sucked, I mean I did not get unlucky (since I dont believe in luck), I mean I played poorly and sucked. But the hotel was nice and now I am officially sulking. Regarding yesterdays post, I guess I will need to wait a bit longer to die since I found this while surfing around the web. Now, I like me some beer, but I am fairly sure I... Straight Pride Week- January 30, 2005 I believe I can die now. I have seen everything http:www.worldnetdaily.comnewsarticle.aspARTICLE_ID=42608 I am not sure what one does during Straight Pride Week, but I bet it involves lots of Bush worship (pun intended both of them). "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mohandas Gandhi "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." - Blaise Pascal One other observation: I am... Local eye candy- January 29, 2005 M. and I went out to one of our local haunts last night. We mainly drank some beer and played a little pool. Now, normally this place is crawling with twenty-something college kids and a smattering of us old-folk. Last night, however, there was a clear lack of eye candy. One guy is worth mentioning. He was about twenty-two or three with red hair. I will call him GWPB for reasons that will become apparent soon. He was fairly cute, but had some of the most unusual facial hair I have ever... Email from a sane person, please!- January 28, 2005 I have now received exactly two emails from readers of my blog. One instructed me that I needed counseling from Exodus and the other from some young-Earth creationist about my article regarding evolution. So here is the challenge will someone sane please send me an email. I really do not care what the email is about it could be the current weather report of wherever you are sending from. I just want to confirm that there is at least one sane person capable of sending me an email. And how.. "F ing" telemarketers- January 27, 2005 About three weeks ago, I wrote to a company in Las Vegas regarding a number of unsolicited prerecorded telephone calls I has received from them. I informed them that in my opinion the calls were illegal and that they should cease transmitting them. I also filled a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission and the Better Business Bureau in Las Vegas (of which this company is a member). My letter was polite and firm and requested a reply. And a reply I certainly received. This... More pseudo-science- January 26, 2005 I was discussing yesterdays post with a friend and neighbor of mine, Very Famous Mathematician. VFM is quite ancient and wise and I respect his opinion on just about everything except sex with women a topic he is quite fond of. Somehow, our conversation led to another field of pseudo-science, the whole bible code issue. Just for fun, VFM and I wrote a brief program that would import a text-format document and search for a key word list. Of course, it uses the same "skipping" and... On a political note- January 25, 2005 Though I try not to get too political in this blog, I would like to take the opportunity to personally thank the District Court of the Northern District of Georgia for its January 13th ruling in Selman v. Cobb County School District. For those of you not following the ignorance in Cobb County, Georgia, I will provide a brief overview. In 2002, the Cobb County School Board (Cobb CountyMarietta is one of the larger suburbs of Atlanta) decided to add this sticker to the front of all biology... Potato problems- January 25, 2005 Hummm It would appear that my Saturday and Sunday posts have vanished in the vastness of cyberspace. Suffice to say, everyone will miss my humorous insights on such weighty topics as: the movies M. and I watched on Friday night and the wonders of cleaning up neighbors dog crap. And, since I did not save them, this will have to do. With one exception. Rush down to your local mainstream gay video store and buy Angles & Cowboys as soon as it is released on DVD! So, my mother gave me this as.. Skeet Ulrich- January 21, 2005 So I was watching a crappy poker game the other night and Skeet Ulrich was playing. When did he get so hot Of course, can you image being in the heat of the moment and trying to say something sexy that includes the word Skeet I guess I would have to come up with some sort of pet name. Actually, he didnt do too poorly in the poker game. Made a good charge but hit a really bad beat to go out 'all in' with a set of aces and his opponent draws a two on the river to win. Oh well. On a... To serve or not to serve- January 19, 2005 Last year, M. and I served as Election Judges for our voting precinct. It was fairly interesting and even somewhat fun, though a huge amount of work is involved. Today, we each received a postcard informing us that we are to be Election Judges once more on February 1st. For those of you not familiar with this process and how it works, I will provide a brief overview. First, you get up at about four in the morning, get ready, and arrive at the polling place by five oclock. Second, you spend... |