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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for August 2008

The Volokh Conspiracy

The Volokh Conspiracy, an academic blog.

Are We All Still Environmentalists - August 15, 2008

Roger Pielke Jr. cites some interesting polling data purporting to show the percentage of Americans considering themselves to be "environmentalists" has declined dramatically over the past 20 years. Today just...

Worst Phishing Email I've Received, from "Rolland Holland": - August 14, 2008

I actually found this one to be so bad, I was somewhat amused. From an email address in the Netherlands:...

Jewess: - August 14, 2008

Commenter jgshapiro asks, apropos a recent case that used the term,...

"Indigenous Nudity": - August 14, 2008

Spotted by Arnold Zwicky (Language Log), on a Travel Channel food show:...

A Reason to Resist Getting a Legal Education: - August 14, 2008

Bill Poser (Language Log) reports:...

Tortious vs. Tortuous: - August 14, 2008

A slip I caught myself making, though fortunately I caught it in time. A quick Westlaw search suggests others have made the slip, too....

Running Deer Call Me Sitting Shiva: - August 14, 2008

An interesting legal question (and, as usual in such cases, hints of a deeply unpleasant factual back story), from In re Estate of Feinberg: "Can an Illinois court enforce a...

CardHub and the Market for Information in the Credit Card Market: - August 14, 2008

One of my longstanding frustrations with regulation of credit cards (and consumer credit generally) is that regulation is enacted without always clearly specifying the market failure to be addressed. Most credit...

Forensic Science Reform: - August 14, 2008

Radley Balko and Roger Koppl have an article in Slate urging forensic science reform....

Maher Arar En Banc: - August 14, 2008

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has decided, sua sponte, to rehear the case of Maher Arar en banc. This is an interesting and unusual development. Details <a...
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- August (10 items)
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